We would like to present some of our most outstanding speakers. Through them, Canarian Photo Week stands out as a unique event and a unique way of approaching photography.

Thomas Heaton
Thomas Heaton is a landscape photographer who documents his work through videos on his Youtube channel. Thomas enjoys shooting both digital and film, finding joy in all mediums. His digital work allows him to work fast and conveniently, reacting to the landscape around him as the light changes in a matter of seconds. His analogue photography allows Thomas to slow down and work within the limitations of film and connect more with the elements around him.
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Thomas has garnered over half a million subscribers to his YouTube channel, which intimately documents his photography in the landscape. He has published 2 landscape photography books and recently had the honour of working with renowned film director, Alex Garland on his latest film “Men”.
Thomas has a true love for the visual arts and the great outdoors.

Mads Peter Iversen
Mads lives in Denmark, his interest in photography exploded in 2011 and he has been working as a full-time landscape photographer since 2016.
He is a schoolteacher with a master’s degree in educational philosophy. Perhaps this may be the reason for his talent training and guiding photographers, proof of this is his success on his YouTube channel.
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He finds his inspiration all over the world, but he is especially drawn to both, the cold, harsh, and epic landscapes of Atlantic countries like Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Norway, as well as the more calm, ethereal, and serene forest scenes.
“I am a child of the postmodern age and grew up with action movies such as Armageddon, The Rock and Batman, fantasy movies such as Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Avatar and Game of Thrones, and computer games like Warcraft and Diablo. All of this influence my photography heavily. And then… in the back of my head roams the Scandinavian minimalism, which pops up on different occasions.”Since 2019 he has developed a drive to photograph and document his local environment even more, resulting his Denmark portfolio to skyrocket. He loves being in nature and photograph many different landscapes, which makes his photos very varied.
For Mads, photography does not end with the shot. “The camera can’t capture ‘reality’ as it appears in front of us, so half the work is done in the editing phase, where the pictures come to life and where the mood I’m in influences the final photo”Some of his recognitions are EPSON Digital Art Winner, Highest scoring Vertical Image, honorable mentions at Monochrome Photography Awards 2017. He also has countless followers on his social media accounts and on his YouTube channel.

Kilian Schönberger
Born in 1985 in Bavaria, near the German Czech border, Kilian grew up in the vast forests along the former Iron Curtain.
Even as a child he was interested in nature and spent almost every day long hours outdoors in the forest. After finishing school, Kilian spent a year in the Bavarian Alps and then began studying geography in Bonn, the old capital. Field trips with the university took him to Switzerland, Egypt, Norway, Iceland, and the Faroe Islands between 2006 and 2010. During these trips, Kilian discovered digital photography as an optimal tool for blending the geography and visual experience of wild landscapes.
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Little by little landscape photography became more and more important for the geographer. After finishing university in 2012, Kilian started working as a full-time freelance photographer with a clear specialization in landscape photography.
His education as a geographer and his life experience in some of the most impressive landscapes in the world give his photographs an especially delicate character.
Kilian has published nine books on landscape photography. He has also worked for different tourist boards and companies like Adobe and his photos have been published in many newspapers and magazines around the world. He at the same time has extensive experience in workshops and other training practices.

Isabella Tabacchi
Isabella lives in Northern Italy, and, despite her youth, she is one of today’s best photographers for her evocative images and iconic style.
Isabella grew up studying the boundless sceneries in the Alps, with a special focus on the Italian Dolomites. However, her need to discover new places has taken her to, for example, the Kamchatka Peninsula where she ventured to photograph some of the wildest and most dangerous nature of those territories in that region between forests and volcanoes.
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Isabella is a Hasselblad heroine, she has been part of the Grand Jury of the Hasselblad Masters 2021, the Epson International Pano Awards (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 editions), the Hasselblad X You and the CIP International Photo Festival in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 editions. She has been named Photographer of the Year at the Moscow International Photo Awards (MIFA), 3rd prize awarded in the International Landscape Photographer of the Year 2020 award, Monochrome Awards, International Photographer of the Year awards (IPOTY), Outdoor Photographer of the Year (OPOTY), Fine Art Photography Awards, Moscow International Photo Awards, Epson International Pano Awards (Highest scoring Gigapixel Image), ND Awards, Tokyo Photo Awards and Creative Siena Photo Awards.
She has also photographed places like the Lofoten Islands, the Azores and Canaries, Iceland, and Namibia. Isabella is part of the TK luminosity masks; she collaborates with Gitzo and is an ambassador of f-stop gear and Haida.

Nestor Rodan
Néstor is a landscape photographer by vocation, photographic travel guide and creator of multimedia content.
He began as a cameraman for a local television station while he was studying in his hometown León. Years later, he started in digital photography with a Canon and since then he hasn’t stopped photographing, traveling, and teaching.
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Néstor is one of the photographers who best knows the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula, developing multiple workshops and activities on the coast, in the forest or in the high mountains.
Likewise, his great passion is extreme travel and, mostly in cold climates. His photographs of Lake Baikal, Greenland, Iceland, Lofoten Islands, Lapland, etc… show his admiration and love for these places.
Apart from various commercial photographic works, Néstor is currently developing as an international guide and trainer on trips around the world, with special emphasis on Arctic areas.
Néstor remains loyal to the brand and philosophy of his first Canon camera, a brand of which he is an ambassador, but at the same time uses all the technology and means available to capture the best possible photographs, in particular Drones.
He has been awarded several national and international prizes and enjoys a recognized prestige among photographic associations and the many attendees of his trips and courses.

Jesús M García
Jesús Manuel García Flores is a professional photographer who, although he was born in Madrid, he currently lives in Torrijos, Toledo (Spain).
Jesús has always been surrounded by cameras since his family was dedicated to the photographic world. Although photography was his passion, he studied electronics and later computing.
For several years, Jesús has traveled the world in search of unique images, captured in the right place and at the right time.
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This obsession with the quality of his images has been rewarded with more than a hundred National and International awards, including National Geographic, Gold Medal at “Al-Thani Awards for Photography”, Gold Medal at “Trierenberg Supercircuit ”, Absolute Winner in “Khayyam International Exhibition of Photography”, FIAP BestAuthor, Absolute Winner in “The Epson International PanoAwards”, 2017 Photographer of the Year, Candidate for the National Photography Award (CEF). Best photographer 2019, 2020 First place in the 5th Spanish Photography League, in the “Architecture” category, 2021 Runner-up in the World at the 29th FIAP BIENNIAL held in France and others.
He additionally alternates his trips with his facet as a private trainer, coordinating workshops and conferences throughout Spain. In these workshops Jesús shows his innovative techniques, applied to color and photography of the 21st century.
Among his publications “Theory of color” stands out. Practical application in photography” (3rd edition, with more than 4,000 copies sold in the first year).

Javier Alonso Torre
Javier Alonso Torre is based in north of Spain, he’s a great expert of the terrain and specializes in forest and coastal photography and filter management. The passion for nature and photography have always been present in him, although not together. He started with analog photography from the hand of his father. It was during his years living in the Canary Islands that he began in artistic photography, still analog. He then continues with digital photography, but in his images, you can see that exquisite care for details and composition so characteristic of him. An art probably rooted in the procedures of analog photography.
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A great lover and protector of nature. In his imaginary, names from his immediate surroundings standout such as Isabel Diez and Asier Castro, and other great international photographers such as Galen Rowell and José B. Ruiz.
Javier has extensive experience as a trainer and photographic guide. He has traveled to several national destinations such as the Cantabrian Coast, the Pyrenees, Andalusia and Levante. In addition to international destinations such as Tuscany, Black Forest, Lofoten, Iceland and Scotland.
He is also a member of Portfolio Natural (nature author photography). Javier has received awards and special mentions in several photography contests in different fields, both nationally and internationally. He has besides published in magazines such as National Geographic Travel, Wild Vision and Iris.
Javier Alonso Torres has taken part in several collective books on nature photography, such as Inspirats per la natura (2011), Naturaleza Ibérica (2012), Inspirats per la natura (2013), Naturaleza Ibérica. Also in Four seasons of life (2016), Natural Paradises, a creative vision (2018). And he has published alone the photographic books Nature speaks (2015)and photographing the Cantabrian Sea (2019). In 2021 he published The art of photographing nature (2021).

Luis Miguel Azorín
Luis Miguel is the content creator behind the Youtube channel Natural Portraits, a project dedicated to natural photography in its broadest sense.
With a restless mind and a great lover of the natural world, since he was a child, he was fascinated by everything around him. From the world of the smallest, the macro and extreme macro world, to the largest and most distant, the Universe.
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In 2004 part of these concerns lead to the development of one of the photographic disciplines that he is most passionate about: astrophotography, becoming specialized in the branch of planetary astrophotography.
As of 2016 was the turn of the branch of deep sky astrophotography, in addition to other natural disciplines such as macro photography or landscape photography, all of which was the origin of the Natural Portraits project.
Luis Miguel is currently an active trainer in several photographic disciplines that he works through the Natural Portraits project.

Mario Rubio
Mario became known in the photographic world years ago as a night photographer. Currently, he is not only a nature photographer in the broadest sense, with widespread recognition, but he has managed to develop an extensive educational and informative activity in various media, such as his famous Online Photography Academy, Magazine, Podcasts, Workshops, trips etc.
In the last 10 years he has positioned himself as an undisputable reference in photography websites, creating a community of thousands of followers, not only in Spain, but in a large part of Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America.

Montse González
Montse Gonzalez has been passionate about drawing and painting since childhood, working in different disciplines, from charcoal to oil painting. Her passion for art was what introduced her to the world of photography by the hand of Jesús M. García Flores, who became her mentor and trainer. Montse is a multidisciplinary photographer, but the fields of photography she is most passionate about have always been portraiture and travel photography; telling people’s stories through her camera.

Justo Gómez
Justo Gómez is the director-coordinator of the events included in the CanarianPhotoAwards/CanarianPhotoWeek.
Justo is the co-creator of the idea of holding an event based on the values of ecology and sustainability in the Canary Archipelago, an area to which he constantly travels carrying out photographic projects.
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Trained in photography with the best landscape photographers in Spain, his unconditional love for photography has led him to abandon his carrer in the financial world and dedicate to photographic projects and trips to destinations as diverse as Iceland, Norway, or Siberia.
He currently develops several creative projects using multiple tools such as drones, stabilizers, and latest generation mirrorless cameras.
“I am delighted to be able to combine the skills developed in my career in the financial world and my passion for photography with the organization of the CPA and CPW. It is something that I am enjoying enormously, and I intend that everyone who participates in it enjoys it equally”.